Five daily self-care practices to achieve vibrant health & wellness

There is no other person in this world like you & You deserve to be loved and cared for by everyone, but most importantly yourself. There are an infinite number of self-care techniques to incorporate into your daily life, whether that be sipping on hot tea, practicing yoga, or simply reading your favorite book, the possibilities are endless. So to narrow your focus I have compiled a few of my top daily rituals & practices to help you further embody the self-love mindset, and embrace taking care of your own body through simple techniques. These rituals are meant to serve as guides through your self-care journey and can be changed in any way that works for you.


Incorporate mindful meditation


Enjoy a Chai tea + Coconut milk latte

  1. Feed Your Microbiome

    It’s important to balance out your micriobiome (gut) each day. Your digestion is crucial for optimum health, and many people take it for granted by starving it of actual nutrition. Many people tend to overfeed their bodies with toxic levels of processed foods and sugar, not to mention the environmental chemicals, stress, and excessive antimicrobials our bodies are exposed to. The gut is the center of health itself, so it’s important to take quality care of it by replenishing it with healing bacteria. Try starting your morning by preparing a cup of hot lemon water and adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to it. I suggest Sipping this before you eat breakfast, so you can allow your system to wake up and balance out your gut microbes. The apple cider vinegar contains beneficial bacterial cultures that your gut thrives upon. It also promotes fast metabolism, aids digestion, clears skin, and is a great morning energizer.

  2. Mindful Meditation

    Reserve ten minutes for daily meditation, and If you’re really busy allow twenty minutes. If you’ve had a long day at work or a chaotic school day, then it’s important to revitalize your mind and unwind to regain clarity. I suggest eliminating all distractions and head to a quiet space or even a yoga studio to completely surrender yourself in the present moment. Dispose of any negative thoughts that aren’t currently serving you, and embrace the moments of blissful meditation.

  3. Let Food Be Your Medicine

    You are what you eat, so don’t be fast, cheap, easy or fake. Skip the drive through or takeout on the way home from work/school and make something quick and simple at home. By allowing extra time into your daily routine to prepare dinner for yourself, you’re eliminating almost all chemicals, oils, artificial flavorings/sweeteners and additives that may be present in your food. I consume a variety of nourishing “staple” foods that I always incorporate with many of my dinners. My favorites are quinoa, kale, avocado, sweet potato and hummus, all of which are great versatile nutrient dense foods that can be combined and added to almost any dinner. I encourage you to incorporate nutrient rich foods into your daily diet and skip the processed food or takeout.

  4. Energize through perspiration

    It’s not new news that daily exercise has profound effects on both our mental and physical well-being. When you engage in physical activity in the morning, you are giving yourself an energizing endorphin kick that allows you to feel accomplished throughout your day. If you can’t fit in a workout in the morning, then try engaging in a form of physical activity after your long day at work/school. This shouldn’t be a chore, and it doesn’t have to be intense. Instead it should be something you look forward to each day, and something that makes you feel energized rather than worn out. I suggest giving yoga, hiking, running, or even walking a try and you’ll be well on your way to feeling strong and empowered.

  5. SURROUND yourself with POSiTIVity

    You’ve probably heard the saying “You are the average of the top five people you spend the most time with.” Some may argue this statement to be false, but I fully believe in this concept. When it comes to relationships with people, we are heavily influenced by each situation, whether good or bad. The people you choose to surround yourself with effect your self-esteem, motivation, and the decisions you make. It’s important to surround yourself with vibrant motivational people who push you to reach your goals and who help you grow as a person. Reduce your interactions with people who tend to have a negative outlook on life, or who often criticize and judge. Instead, allow yourself the opportunity to create purposeful connections with people that leave you inspired and promote self-growth in your life.

  • Incorporating these five simple self-care practices into your daily routine, Will allow you the opportunity to live life in a constant state of happiness & well-being.

We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.
— Richard G. Scott

Checkout my self-love page for more tips on nurturing your body: