

real plant-based

Whole foods.


Nourish your mind,

body, & spirit through

restorative self-care



Feel Empowered through the

action you’re taking to

become the healthiest

version of yourself.


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“We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to become much more than what we are.”-Adelle Davis. Eating a whole-foods plant-based vegan diet is one of the best ways to ensure you’re eating food in its most natural & simplest form.

Learn about my favorite nourishing foods & tips for clean eating:



“All disease begins in the gut”-Hippocrates. The Eco-system in our gut is as vast and diverse as the Amazon rain forest. There are thousands of species with thousands of functions, and our health is highly dependent on the vibrancy of our internal rain forest. The right balance of good gut bacteria will keep disease away.

Learn about your bodies mini Eco-system & how to heal your gut:



“Dismiss whatever insults your own soul.”-Walt Whitman. Make self-love and self-care a daily habit. You will have nothing to give to anyone if you don’t fill yourself up first and nourish your body. Caring for yourself isn’t self-indulgence, rather it’s preserving the only body you have. Focus on gratitude, and truly love yourself throughout your journey.

Learn how to love yourself exactly where you are & daily self-care practices:


Welcome to Healthful Hanna

What do you wish to cultivate?

Is it Self-growth, mental clarity, or achieving vibrant health and wellness through an integrative approach?

Check out My favorite ways to gain vibrant health + wellness through five Daily practices


Photo taken in Northern Ireland at The Giants Causeway


Discover how to detoxify your mind, body, and the planet


Detox is a way of life

Everyday we’re exposed to environmental pollutants, preservatives, heavy metals, pesticides, and other nasty chemicals. So it’s up to us to reduce or eliminate as much of the toxic exposure’s as we can & alkalize our bodies to remove heavy metals.

Find out my favorite ways to detox without going on a juice cleanse.


Zero-waste & clean living

Anyone can benefit from a life freed from the accumulation of stuff & wasteful practices. Adopting a zero-waste lifestyle helps you reduce your exposure to synthetic chemicals & plastics, while also preserving our environment.

Find out my top tips for reducing waste & chemical exposures to help detoxify your body and the planet.


Eating mindfully & Intuitively

The way you eat influences everything you do in your day, and it’s a chance to become aware of your daily intentions & gratitude. When you slow down to eat & you bring full awareness to the food you’re eating you’ll become not only physically nourished, but also spiritually nourished.

Find out how to eat mindfully


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