Staple Super Food Powders

Getting your nutrients through powder form is an easy way to supplement your diet & ensure that you’re getting the adequate nutrients you need. By incorporating these super-foods into your routine, you will enhance your daily vitamin & mineral intake, increase detoxification, fight inflammation, and help prevent chronic disease.

Alkaline-rich greens:

Spirulina + Blue Majik + Chlorella+ wheatgrass

  • Blue-green algae is not just an algae, but a form of bacteria grown in both fresh water and salt water coast lines. This algae is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet and includes prebiotics that help feed the beneficial microbes in our gut. A popular form of blue-green algae is called Spirulina, which is mostly grown & harvested in Hawaii. Spirulina is known for its high concentration of Iron, B-12, Calcium, Niacin, Potassium, Magnesium, Beta-carotene, and many B-vitamins. Spirulina is one of the highest sources of protein per gram in the plant-based world, and is the most alkaline-rich food on our planet! Spirulina holds a pretty powerful nutrition profile and creates antibodies along with infection-fighting proteins that improve immunity/fight infection and even chronic disease such as cancer. Heavy metals and toxins can easily build up in our bodies and destroy probiotics in our gut. The good news is; Spirulina can help protect our digestive tract against these depletion’s, while also reducing inflammation and detoxifying the entire body. You can enjoy this algae in either powder or capsule form and add it to any of your smoothies!

  • Blue Majik is another form of Spirulina, which is an extract of Spirulina’s pigment, Phycocyanin. This extract is what gives Blue Majik it’s unique blue color, different from the Spirulina powder you’re used to. The Spirulina powder you see at the health-food stores has an extremely dark green pigment and is made from the whole plant, whereas Blue Majik is the extract of Spirulina’s pigment. Blue Majik is sold in capsule form or powder form, and can be added to smoothie’s to create a beautiful mermaid-blue color. Since Blue Majik is an exract of Spirulina’s pigment it’s very high in Iron, Magnesium, and Potassium and it’s extremely rich in Chlorophyll and B-vitamins!

  • Chlorella is a single-celled, green freshwater algae and is the richest green-algae source of Chlorophyll. The most effective form of Chlorella to consume is cracked-cell wall Chlorella, which means it has an easier ability to remove heavy metals & toxins from your body such as lead or mercury. Cracked-cell wall Chlorella can be taken in tablet or powder form to aid in detoxification, cleanse your body, boost immunity, and even increase athletic endurance (through its ability to supply the blood stream with more oxygen). Chlorella also improves skin health, boosts overall energy, and slows aging through daily use.

  • Wheatgrass helps establish an alkaline rich environment in the body and increases nutrient absorption. Wheatgrass plays a vital role in decreasing inflammation, protecting our liver and the mitochondria within our cells, and lowering oxidation, resulting in a decrease of free-radical damage that causes aging. The best way of consuming wheatgrass is in powder or juice form (known as wheat grass shots), since both these forms are the most potent. Wheatgrass contains a high nutrition profile consisting of chlorophyll, iron, amino acids, vitamin A, C, and E, antioxidants like flavonoids and essential electrolytes including magnesium and calcium. Wheatgrass also helps with raising immunity, improving digestion and cleansing the body of toxins.

Antioxidant power-house’s:

Maca + Cacoa + Acai + Camu

  • Maca is a root vegetable native to the Andes of Peru, with a similar appearance to a radish or turnip. Maca is considered to be an “adaptogen,” which enables the body to naturally adapt to stressors, like busy schedules, demanding jobs, and illness. Maca boosts energy and mood, balances hormones, boosts stamina and enhances athletic ability. Consuming superfoods with adaptogenic properties can help clear your mind of negativity and enable you to think clearly and feel stress-free.

  • Cacao is raw cocoa in its unprocessed state. It’s free radical fighting ability helps eliminate toxins our bodies are exposed to. Cacao is a healthy antioxidant super food, rich in riboflavin and acts as a natural cardio vascular stimulant. Cacao is delicious added to your morning smoothie or coffee.

  • Acai is known to be the worlds “beauty berry.” People who experience high levels of oxidative stress tend to show signs of aging quicker, primarily in their skin. Acai helps to repair damaged cells, prevent skin degradation (wrinkles, dark spots, and fine lines), and allows for a more youthful appearance. Acai is known to be one of the top liver cleansing super-foods and helps with improving memory and focus. Acai holds a high nutritional profile consisting of many essential nutrients, such as electrolytes, antioxidants, trace minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and is high in manganese, thiamine, copper, magnesium, and vitamin A. Acai also holds a high amino acid profile, containing nineteen amino acids and has a high ORAC value (Oxygen radical absorbency capacity) which helps eliminate free radicals from our body.

  • Camu is a small orange-red fruit with a tart flavor and grows along the Amazonian riverbanks in South America. Camu is a vitamin C powerhouse and contains far more vitamin C than an orange. Camu is an enormous immune booster due to it’s high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps the body defend against viruses, disease, and inflammation. Incorporating super-foods with high amounts of vitamin C is great for traveling and winter time when your immunity could be lower. Vitamin C-rich super-foods will also keep your skin looking healthy & will offer a youthful glow. Consider giving Camu a try in your next smoothie!

Omega-3’s please:

Hemp + chia + flax


MAgical medicinal ‘shrooms:

  • Hemp powder is one of natures best sources of protein and contains all twenty amino acids. Hemp is rich in GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), which has an excellent balance of omega-3 and omega-6. GLA acts as an anti-inflammatory, and helps balance body temperature and hormones. Hemp powder is a great protein/GLA rich addition to your smoothie, and you can sprinkle hemp seeds on almost any meal for added omega-3/omega-6 which promotes healthy-glowing hair, skin and nails.

  • Chia seeds are a unique and nutritionally complex seed from a plant in the mint family. Chia seeds, similar to hemp, can either be ground into a powder form or left as seeds. Either form contains high amounts of calcium and ALA omega-3. Chia seeds are high in protein, healthy fats, antioxidants, and they’re also very filling due to their high fiber content. Chia seeds are extremely versatile and can be added to anything to promote healthy digestion & good gut health, clear skin, and serve as a great protein source.

  • Flax-seed powder is an excellent source of fiber and plant-based protein. Flax is one of he richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids (ALA) in the world and is an easily digested and absorbed source of healthy fats. It’s best to consume flax in milled-powder form, since it’s easier for your body to digest and absorb the nutrients this way. Raw flax seeds can pass through your system without being digested, and often times little nutrients are absorbed. Adding flax to your oats or smoothies is a great way to add extra protein and fiber to your diet.

    Medicinal mushrooms have adaptogenic properties that help your body adapt to stress, both internally a externally, while also improving immunity.

  • Reishi has the ability to boost immunity, cure seasonal allergies, reduce stress, and improve sleep. Reishi works externally and internally to keep you looking young by reducing oxidation, (often caused by stress) and protects your DNA from damage, helping you stay energized and alert.

  • Chaga has a rich source of antioxidants, and helps ward off the common cold, maintains healthy hair and skin, and decreases inflammation. Chaga also has the ability to produce Lymphocytes, which are White blood cells that regulate the immune system and helps with combating infections and common illness’s.

  • Cordyceps contain beta-glucan which helps deliver oxygen to your body on a cellular level. This helps reduce the occurrence of disease and can even help to minimize cancer cell growth. Cordyceps increases energy and stamina and significantly boosts adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels in the body which is our bodies main energy source. Since cordyceps are rich in anti-inflammatory agents, they can help with blood flow and overall heart health.

  • Lions Mane-Your body contains nerve growth factors (NGF), which are proteins that protect already existing neurons and stimulate new neuron growth. These proteins help maintain the neurons required for our nervous system to operate properly. As a result, lion’s mane stimulates the synthesis of our nerve growth factors, allowing for improved cognitive function. Lions mane is known to minimize and even reverse neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and dementia, and can potentially reverse the cognitive degeneration that many of us suffer from as we age.

Which Medicinal Mushrooms are right for you?

  1. Reishi- Calms nerves & reduces stress.

  2. Chaga- Powerful Immune booster & disease fighter.

  3. Cordyceps- Improves athletic performance & reduces fatigue + energizes.

  4. Lions Mane- Improves cognitive ability, including memory and focus.

Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.
— Heather Morgan, MS, MLC

Supplements to Implement into your diet

In addition to all the macro-nutrients of carbohydrates, fats, protein, water, and fiber we consume, we also need a wide variety of micro-nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, to keep our bodies thriving at an optimal level of health. Our body needs a wide variety of essential nutrients which include; Vitamin B-12, Iron, vitamin D, Omega-3 + 6, vitamin B, vitamin C, Magnesium, and probiotics. Whether you consume a plant-based diet, paleo diet, or an animal-based diet, anyone can benefit from implementing these essential nutrients and vitamins into their lifestyle.

Please note that relying on just one nutrient or supplement to act as a cure-all for all diseases or health problems will not be sufficient enough as to consuming a whole-foods nutrient rich diet. Supplements are meant to act as an added nutrient to help optimize your health and should be taken alongside a nutrient-rich diet. The vitamins I suggest are just recommendations to help guide you toward optimal health, and since everyone is unique I recommend talking with your Naturopath first, before experimenting with supplements. Once you’ve talked with your doctor you’ll be able to further determine what vitamins you may be deficient in and which ones to implement into your diet & lifestyle.


Turmeric supplements are a great way to gain anti-inflammatory & immune boosting benefits! You can take them when your feeling a cold coming on, or to help ease stiff joints during harsh workouts.

  1. Vitamin B-12:

    Is a water soluble essential nutrient that’s important for nerve function, healthy blood cells and creating DNA. B-12 is produced in small amounts in our gut and in the bacteria in the soil. However, this amount isn’t nearly enough to fulfill the dietary requirement our body needs for usable energy. If you’re on a plant-based diet or a traditional meat based diet you should be implementing a B-12 supplement to ensure your body doesn't become deficient to this vital nutrient. Even if you’re consuming plenty of fortified foods such as almond milk, or nutritional yeast with added B-12, it most likely won’t be enough to fulfill your B-12 requirements.

  2. Vitamin D:

    Is considered to be a conditionally essential nutrient, meaning that only under specific conditions, such as low sun exposure, do you need to implement it. Vitamin D has many important roles, including the regulation of calcium absorption in the gut and supporting bone health. Vitamin D is a hormone that’s produced by your skin upon sun exposure, and the more melanin you have in your skin, the longer you need exposure to the sun to produce enough vitamin D. Since it isn’t found in most foods, it’s important to talk with your doctor and possibly get tested to see if you’re deficient and determine if taking a vitamin D supplement is necessary.

  3. Omega-3 fats:

    Omega 3+6 fatty acids are the two essential fats that humans must consume to maintain appropriate cell membrane flexibility, regulation of blood clotting and inflammation, along with ensuring our blood vessels can relax and contract. The richest sources of Omega-3 fats are vegetables, vegetable oils (olive + avocado), walnuts, flax-seeds, and chia-seeds. EPA + DHA are a couple of popular omega-3 fats, which are synthesized by our bodies from the omega-3 fats we take in from plants. You can try implementing a vegan DHA omega-3 supplement into your diet, which is made from algae and can provide your body with a more direct source of omega-3.

  4. B-complex:

    Calling all Athletes! Taking a B-complex supplement will provide you with eight essential B-vitamins for optimal energy + mental clarity. Your body needs all eight B vitamins, including Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, B-6, Folate, B-12, and Biotin, to maintain healthy immunity, nerve cell function, proper energy levels, and natural detoxification. Taking a full spectrum B-complex supplement will help your body convert your daily meals, (especially fats and proteins) into usable fuel. It can also help to strengthen your immunity (especially for runners), enhance your focus + mental stamina, help support your liver so it can process toxins and purify your body throughout the cleanse, improve your natural stress response and will nourish your hair, skin and nails.

  5. Magnesium:

    Most people are deficient in magnesium, especially athletes since it’s secreted when you sweat. Magnesium is a calming mineral that aids in digestion and nutrient absorption and encourages elimination of toxins. Magnesium helps convert the macro-nutrients we consume, into usable energy, and promotes elimination by increasing the amount of water in our intestines. Magnesium also helps lower cortisol levels, relieve toxic stress symptoms, promotes restful sleep, and is essential for calcium absorption which helps to build strong healthy bones. You can benefit from magnesium by soaking in a magnesium salt bath or taking it in supplement form.

  6. Turmeric:

    Inflammation is the root cause of almost every chronic health issue today, and this is where turmeric comes to the rescue! Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory tool that you can implement into your health routine. Whether you’re taking turmeric or curcumin (the powerful antioxidant found in turmeric) you will be able to successfully fight against inflammation. Since turmeric has powerful affects, unless you’re currently struggling with high-levels of inflammation this isn’t something you have to take daily. When looking for the right turmeric supplement, make sure you find one that also contains black pepper, since it increases the absorption of turmeric within your body. Or you can use an Organic Turmeric powder and create Turmeric latte’s or golden milk to enjoy each morning & night to reap the many anti-inflammatory benefits Turmeric has to offer!

  7. Probiotics:

    Taking a daily probiotic is vital for repopulating your healthy gut flora to support your diverse microbiome. Probiotic supplements are designed to inhibit the growth of good bacteria, improve immunity, encourage a healthy and impermeable gut lining, synthesize nutrients and produce the fatty acids that contribute to good colon health. A healthy microbiome is key to having balanced blood sugar levels, optimal digestion, stable moods, and a body that can efficiently fight inflammation and disease.

    Probiotic supplements don’t have to be taken life long, and shouldn’t be taken forever, because once you’ve repopulated your gut flora to it’s optimal levels, your microbiome will balance itself out on its own. However, with that being said you don’t want to risk off balancing your microbiome by taking the wrong strand of probiotics, which may over populate your gut with bacteria it doesn’t need. In order to prevent this from happening, I strongly suggest that you talk with your Naturopath first, and get tested to determine which probiotic strand is right for you.

Chia pudding with coconut Kefir

Chia pudding with coconut Kefir

Benefits of Probiotics:

  • Improves digestion.

  • Enhances mental clarity.

  • Boosts immunity + decreases inflammation.

  • Promotes healthy glowing skin.

  • Protects against food sensitivities.

Reasons to consider taking a probiotic:

  • Overuse of antibiotic or medications.

  • Consuming too much sugar, GMO’s, or gluten.

  • Emotional stress/adrenal fatigue/poor sleep habits.

  • Over sanitation & overuse of chemical cleaners.

Adaptogens: Hello youthful glow & goodbye stress

Adaptogens are ancient plants and herbs that help support your adrenal system. Adaptogens enable your body to adapt to stress on a daily basis, harmonize your mind, body, and spirit, strengthen your immune system & balance out hormones. Adaptogens are beautiful plants and herbs that everyone should incorporate into their daily routine since they help regulate your body to help you feel energized in the morning and sleepy at night. One of the most common adaptogens people consume are in the form of medicinal mushrooms, such as Reishi which helps calm nerves and reduce’s stress. Adaptogens not only help with your adrenal & hormonal system, but they also help with promoting a youthful glow within your skin, reduce the signs of aging, and promote longevity.

I encourage you to choose a few adaptogen powders that resonate with how you’re feeling, let them do their job, then reassess how you feel afterwards. The effects may not be immediate, so give your body some time to adjust before you really start examining how you feel. Here are a few of my favorite adaptogens below.

  1. Ashwagandha:

    Thyroid + Mood booster- Ashwagandha is a vital herb in Ayurvedic medicine with a long history of theraputic use. When taken in the morning ashwagandha increases energy, but at night it can help you fall asleep. Ashwaghandha has the power to adapt to what your body needs, harmonize your mind, body and spirit, strengthen your immune system, and reduce the effects of mental, emotional and physical stress. It even helps support optimal thyroid function and mood swings. It’s important to note however, that Ashwaghanda belongs to the night shade family (potato & tomato family) and if you’re suffering from gut issues or have a sensitive gut you may want to avoid Ashwaghanda, or speak with your Naturopath first.


    Improves lungs + Lowers blood sugar- Ginseng can help resist the feeling of stress, improve mental & cognitive function, fight inflammation, improve lung function (a must for athletes), helps to lower blood sugar levels, aids in cancer prevention, and increases immune boosting cells to help fight off illness & disease. Ginseng can be consumed as an herbal tea, or taken through capsule or powder form.

  2. Holy basil (Tulsi):

    Liver support + Longevity- Holy basil helps support a healthy liver, reduce stress, and lower inflammation. Holy basil is a calming herb and helps lower anxiety, while supporting your adrenal glands and balancing cortisol levels. Holy basil does wonders for improving hypothyroidism, especially when combined with ashwagandha. This combination helps bring your body back to balance and aids in proper thyroid functioning. Your skin can benefit from this ancient herb as well, just like with other adaptogens because it helps promote a youthful glow and contains antibacterial properties which helps reduce acne. You can enjoy this herb & its many benefits by sipping the herb in tea form (known as Tulsi), taking it in supplement form, or even using it as an essential oil.

antioxidant-rich foods for optimal health

What do antioxidants actually do for the body?

Antioxidants combat free radicals in the body. Free radicals damage our bodies cells and functions, which then contributes to aging and various kinds of disease. By consuming antioxidants you’ll be able to benefit from a security force that tracks down the free radicals formed in the body, causing them to neutralize. As long as this security force is strong enough, the number of free radicals are kept at a low-level in the body. Antioxidants can also determine whether a particular gene we carry will cause disease or not. Disease doesn’t occur until the gene is activated in our bodies, and antioxidants protect free-radicals from activating and attacking. This enables our genes to remain at peace, inactivated, and harmless.

Foods high in antioxidants:

Fruit: Mulberries, Apricots, Blueberries, Goji berries, Black berries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Cranberries, Pomegranates, Grapefruit, Cherries, Lemons, Dates, Plums, and Kiwi are a few of the top antioxidant-rich fruits.

Veggies: Avocado, Broccoli, Sweet-potato, Kale, Beetroot, Squash, Green beans, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Onion, Garlic, and Cucumbers are a few of the top antioxidant-rich veggies.

Herbs: Turmeric, Ginger, Thyme, Black pepper, Cayenne pepper, Mint, and Rosemary are a few great antioxidant-rick herbs.

Nuts & Seeds: Almonds, Cashews, Pecans, Hazelnuts, and Walnuts all help with the absorption of antioxidants in the body. Antioxidant-rich seeds include, Chia, Flax, and Pumpkin seeds.



  • Karlsen, Micaela C. A Plant-Based Life: Your complete guide to great food, radiant health, boundless energy, and a better body. New York: Amacom, 2016. Print.

  • Axe, Josh. Eat Dirt: Why leaky gut may be the root cause of your health problems and five surprising steps to cure it. New York, NY: Harper Wave, 2016. Print.

  • Greger, Michael, and Gene Stone. How Not to Die: Discover the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease. London, England: Pan Books, 2018. Print.