Live vibrantly, intuitively, and stay aligned with your unique self



The purpose behind Healthful Hanna

I created Healthful Hanna with the intention to educate individuals on living a vibrant plant-based lifestyle through an integrative and holistic approach. “Eat, nourish, empower,” Is a mantra which serves as a reminder to nourish your body with nutrient rich foods that allow you to stay connected with your intuition and aligned with your core belief system. It provides clarity within your journey to living a fulfilling lifestyle and feeling empowered through daily nourishment.

I’m excited and passionate to share my knowledge & guiding tools, to further help you strive toward self-growth and intuitive living. I go into depth about the many ways you can live ethically in an urban community and I provide key insight on the benefits of plant-based living & eating. I intend to provide you with an inspirational platform, where you can gain knowledge on a variety of health related topics including nutrition, fitness, minimalism, manifestation, integrative healthcare, and how to leave a smaller footprint on the home we all share. I believe health equals wealth, & when we invest time and energy into ourselves we are allowing for more energy to be used toward helping and caring for others. In order to grow as people we must understand ourselves throughout our journey & learn from our mistakes by trusting our intuition, and making changes where necessary.

I’m beyond grateful for the opportunity to express my passion for integrative health & plant-based living, and for everyone who has joined me along my journey toward living a purposeful & vibrant life!

Everyone has a physician inside him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.
— Hippocrates

I also want to give a huge thank you & shout out to my friend Cora Wallen for helping me with the photo shoots for my website. She was always willing to take a trip out to the botanical gardens & capture a few shots of me “in my element.” If you’re in the need of a photo shoot or help with photography, Cora is a wonderful photographer and I totally recommend checking out her content @corawphotography !

Check out my favorite page under veganism: