Hey, I’m Hanna!

I’m a holistic health & wellness blogger with a passion for plant-based eating, nourishing my mind, body & spirit, and empowering others to take charge of their health goals and listen to their body. Learn how to eat, nourish, and feel empowered through a holistic approach in taking care of your body!


I strive toward inspiring others with my passion for self-growth and optimal health through a holistic approach


A little bit about me…

I strive toward attracting abundance in all aspects of my life. I choose to nourish my body with nutrient rich foods, pursue my passion of health & wellness, and live my dream life by staying in full alignment with the most authentic version of myself.

Prior to becoming vegan I felt a desire for a lifestyle change and I felt called to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. So I decided to completely shift my diet and lifestyle to a fully plant-based way of living & eating.

I’ve always been an active person, whether it be running, biking, swimming, yoga, you name it, I’ve done it all! I’ve always enjoyed trying different ways to be physically active and I’ve always eaten plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, and home cooked meals my mom makes, yet I still wasn’t fully happy with how I felt. I would often get skin breakouts, I would get headaches often, and my immune system was much weaker. Nutrition was never a big focus of mine, and I never considered how deeply food affects our body and the planet.

It wasn’t until two summers ago when I was wandering through a small book store in Ann Arbor, that I stumbled upon a plant based diet book. Before even purchasing the book, I started reading it in the book store and I was instantly hooked. The concept behind plant-based eating and living led me to become increasingly curious about health and nutrition. So that same week I checked out countless other books, ranging from plant-based nutrition, veganism, self-love, manifestation, minimalism, and even integrative healthcare. I checked out and read essentially every self-help and plant-based nutrition book I could get my hands on. I would read for hours in my free time about plant-based nutrition, living green, fitness, supplements & super-foods, and even disease prevention. This was when I truly realized what my passion was, and what I was interested in pursuing and advocating to the world.

I became fascinated with the integrative and holistic approach to health and wellness, and the concept of allowing food to be the ultimate form of medicine. I began seeking ways to better myself through herbal healing and a plant-based diet. By my junior year during my cross country season, I transitioned to a completely vegan diet. I fell in love with the freedom I felt through a nourishing lifestyle by fueling my body with pure plant power. It led me to gain even more mental clarity, and I felt strong and empowered each day. I even felt a boost of confidence, since I was able to fully express my true passion toward health and wellness and spread the knowledge I had gained to my friends, family & everyone I could.

I believe quality self growth comes from change, whether that be changing your entire lifestyle or just changing the time you wake up in the morning. Self-growth can easily occur when we step outside our comfort zones and embrace the beauty of change. I believe when we embrace change and allow new perspectives to form, we are able to find our true purpose and passion in life. By shifting to a plant-based diet, I’ve allowed myself the opportunity to step out of my normal routine and try something new. Throughout my entire journey I’ve made sure to stay in tune with my mind, body, and goals, and I’ve stayed present with each moment that arises. I encourage you to trust what feels right and go after it. If things aren’t going as planned, just remember you are in control. Simply realize how you’re feeling, do something about it, and own it!

We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captured with purpose.
— Bob goff


If you’re not happy,make a change.

Never forget how wildly capable you are.