How to Build a Productive Morning Routine + My Daily Journaling Entries Template

How can I elevate my mindset and outlook on life? 

By journaling. Which is why I have provided my go-to journaling template below. Taking 10-30 minutes each morning to journal your intentions, thoughts, and gratitude, will help you feel more appreciative for all that you have in life and all that you intend to accomplish. 

Two Journals I use everyday:

Fringe journal from Anthropologie

Fringe journal from Anthropologie

A life changing journal…

A life changing journal…

Journal entries to align with your highest self

6 entries to write about daily…

  1. Gratitude: gratitude is the attitude for a life full of joy and bliss, so by beginning each day with a grateful mind you are already on your way to having an epic day. Record three things you are currently grateful for. 

  2. Intentions: Write out 3-5 intentions you have for the day, along with a few simple action steps as to how you will execute what you have intended to do for the day.

  3. Self-affirmations: Record three “I am…” affirmations (i.e. I am worthy of running a half marathon) in order to affirm your worthiness and train your subconscious to believe what you are wanting is possible.

  4. Manifest: Record one thing you would like to manifest and bring into your life (i.e. new opportunities).

  5. Self-realization: Record 1-3 self-realizations you have had about yourself (i.e. I am more mentally clear about my future career plans than I thought I was). This will remind you how capable you are to do the things you aspire to do. 

  6. Identify a spiritual expander: Identify 1-3 spiritual expanders (aka people you admire that possess something you aspire to have in the future, such as a published book). These should be people that are inspiring and influential to you, but they don’t have to be celebrities. Your spiritual expander is just anyone who you look up to that expands your dreams and desires and inspires you to take action to achieve something that they have and that you don’t currently have.

My journal entry template featured in my “Growth book”

My journal entry template featured in my “Growth book”

How you do one thing, is how you do all things. 

It takes 21 days to make or break a habit

It takes 21 days to make or break a habit, which means creating a solid morning routine doesn’t happen overnight. Creating a solid and productive morning routine takes time and trial/error, but once you nail a routine that feels good to you, it’s one of the best feelings. Routines are what keeps us grounded in our crazy-busy-fast-pace lifestyles that many of us lead (or lack of at the current moment). When you first begin creating a solid morning routine for yourself, you need to honor your intuition and practice what feels good to you. Everyone thrives on different routines and I encourage you to cultivate + practice one that feels good to you. Use my guide as a starting point, but tweak it however you like until you’ve found a reliable and intuitive routine that makes you look forward to waking up each morning.

You first create your habits, then your habits create your life. Here are five components to setting yourself up for a productive day:

  • Journal (express gratitude + set intentions + record affirmations) & look over your planner/to-do list

  • Hydrate

  • Move your body (run, yoga, swim, lift weights, do whatever you have to do to get your body moving + sweaty first thing in the am)

  • Nourish your body with alkalizing plant-based foods

  • Freshen up + tidy your space

Most days I prefer hot lemon water, but other days I drink it cold

Most days I prefer hot lemon water, but other days I drink it cold

Peep the F**k plastic book I’ve been loving lately

Peep the F**k plastic book I’ve been loving lately

Simple acai smoothie bowls are my go-to pre-run breakfast

Simple acai smoothie bowls are my go-to pre-run breakfast

In order to win the day, you have to win the first hour of the day.

My 8-step productive morning routine Objectives

Step #1: Spruce up your room + make the bed, it creates momentum. Mist an essential oil spray throughout your room to uplift your spirit.

Step #2: Make hot lemon + ginger water, and add a little apple cider vinegar to boost metabolism and feed your good gut microbes.

Step #3: Journal your gratitude, intentions, thoughts, and manifestations for the day & use my six entries if you’d like. Or take this extra time to read a few chapters of your current favorite book (or do both, why not!?)

Step #4: Hydrate with fresh water. 

Step #5: Exercise as early as possible to get your blood flowing and listen to an inspiring podcast while exercising.

Step #6: Make a nourishing plant-based meal to replenish every cell in your body. I love making a green Spirulina super-food smoothie bowl with frozen banana, it’s basically like eating ice-cream for breakfast. 

Step #7: Get dressed & ready for your epic day ahead. If you shower in the morning, shower in cold water for the last minute of your shower. This trains your brain to embrace small challenges & sensations early on in the day. 

Step #8: Start workflow (emails, meetings/calls, schoolwork/studying, projects, etc.)

What not to do in your morning routine: Avoid touching your phone first thing in the morning. By scrolling on your phone first thing, you’re rewiring your brain to be distracted and training it to have a very low concentration and attentions span, which results in your brain becoming more reactive.

Can’t stop reading this book!!!

Can’t stop reading this book!!!

Love misting my face with organic rose water every morning and diffusing my favorite essential oils

Love misting my face with organic rose water every morning and diffusing my favorite essential oils

Current fav podcast I listen to during my runs

Current fav podcast I listen to during my runs

Cozy lounge wear ALL DAY EVERY DAY

Cozy lounge wear ALL DAY EVERY DAY

I hope this post helped you in creating your ultimate morning routine and remember that little things done consistently lead to larger, greater things. Reserve your morning’s as your time to practice self-care, and doing the things you love.

Xx, Hanna :)

Hanna Trajlov