2020 Vision: What Challenges You, Changes You


The challenges themselves won’t be the difficult part, instead remaining consistent with each challenge will be the hardest part. While I try to practice yoga, journal everyday, and meditate as much as possible, it’s unrealistic to do everything everyday, which is why most people (including myself) can rarely tick all the boxes off of their self-care routine every single day. In order to combat this problem, I decided to take my top twelve 2020 health, fitness, mindset, & lifestyle intentions and turn them into attainable 30-day/monthly challenges in order to stay laser focused on one self-care intention at a time. This will help me nail my ultimate healthy & balanced lifestyle routine, without the need to do everything all at once. My goal with this is to see what growth takes place, how I change & evolve, and what I discover + learn about myself over the course of the year. 

A life full of exciting challenges = a life full of adventure and meaning. When we embrace uncertainty and we become aware of the change taking place within our mind and body, we’re allowing for epic growth to occur. This causes massive subconscious shifts to take place, and the end result is us evolving & showing up as the best, most aligned versions of ourselves.

The goal behind this monthly challenge concept is to form a deeper awareness of what your body needs, what routines work best for you, and what aligns/what doesn’t in order to establish the best + ultimate healthy & balanced lifestyle routine.

Whether you’ve found balance within your life, or are looking to grow in new ways, I challenge you to join me in my 12-month journey to further align with yourself and discover ways of remaining in-sync with your true self. You never know what you could learn, so what’s there to lose? 

Side note: I would’ve started on Jan 1st but I didn’t think of the idea until middle of Jan so I’m starting feb 1st instead ;) you can follow along with me or use the guidelines below to create your own 2020 monthly challenges! 

Top twelve monthly challenges for 2020.Also featured above=my fav electrolyte recovery drink from Drought! Contains: Spirulina, phycocyanin, ginger, lemon, + sea salt.

Top twelve monthly challenges for 2020.

Also featured above=my fav electrolyte recovery drink from Drought! Contains: Spirulina, phycocyanin, ginger, lemon, + sea salt.


If you want to follow along here’s what to expect:

  • On the first day of every month I’ll be sharing the self-growth + self-care challenge I’ll be focusing on for that month (either on my insta story or posts-so keep your eye out). 

  • They’ll be a total of 12 challenges (one for each month), but the trick is staying consistent, and actually sticking with my challenge every single day. 


  1. MENTAL STRENGTH + CLARITY: Hot yoga daily to realign + reconnect and find calm in the chaos

  2. BUILDING INTERNAL HEAT: Core + run 1 mile minimum + dry sauna for 10min

  3. FOOD MINDSET: Try food combining

  4. ENDURANCE: Cycle classes daily

  5. SUGAR DETOX & DIGEST: No sugar for 30 days (only from whole-food raw fruit sources) + Intermittent fast for 16 hours!

  6. 5 AM CLUB (up early/bed early): Go to bed @9:30pm/wake up @6am

  7. SAVE LIKE A #BOSS: No spending money for 30 days (unless school related)-(No spending on fancy health foods, clothes, books/other non-essentials). 

  8. PASSION PROJECTS: Time-block 2 hrs/day for TOTAL CREATIVE WORKFLOW-Everything on airplane mode. 

  9. CONNECT + DISCONNECT: Reach out to someone new/I haven’t talked to in a while every day (whether in-person or on the phone/FaceTime), while also disconnecting from social media.

  10. JOURNAL: Journal for 1 hour every morning and night to see what new ideas flow.

  11. MEDITATE: Meditate for 20 min twice/day (morning + night).

  12. KNOWLEDGE=POWER: Read one of my books from my “library of life” list for 1 hour every evening & see how many I can finish w/in a month!

Now onto YOU…

5-steps to creating YOUR self-growth + self-care monthly challenge list:

  1. Assign a specific challenge to each month and stay laser focused on that ONE challenge so at the end of the month you can evaluate how it made you feel, how you grew, and what you learned about yourself. Think back to your 2020 intentions you set at the beginning of the year and all that you set out to accomplish, then narrow twelve of your top intentions and turn them into monthly challenges. This will help you stay focused on one intention (masked as a challenge) at a time, allowing you to accomplish more in less time. 

  2. Once you’ve chosen your top twelve challenges, I want you to figure out your WHY behind each challenge + find what’s going to keep you motivated. 

  3. Once you’ve found your why + written out your challenges, I suggest assigning each monthly challenge with a mantra/quote that correlates with what you’re striving towards. Post this mantra/quote on your wall, on your lock screen, or wherever you know you’ll see it everyday to keep you motivated towards sticking with that challenge.

  4. Once you have your twelve challenges chosen, you know your why behind each, and you’ve chosen a monthly mantra/quote for each, you’re officially ready to start an epic year of self-growth, self-care, and EPIC transformation! 

  5. Now quite waiting around, and get EVOLVING, LEARNING, GROWING, EXPANDING, ACHIEVING, + TRANSFORMING into the most authentic & aligned version of yourself!

What challenges you, changes you. So here’s to (us) evolving + becoming the best version of ourselves possible, one challenge at a time. 

Best of luck,

xoxo Hanna

Hanna Trajlov